Back by popular demand, it’s four different posts. Give it up, ladies and gentlemen! Mar. 16, 2010: I pretty much just spent the day trying to finish up the backend of the glossary portion of the site. It was basically a no-go for a lot of the day. So I decided to spend the rest… Read more »
Posts By: Mike Longmire
As we come to the close of yet another quarter…
In the interest of doing something a little different, I’ve decided to do a large post that covers two days instead of doing two separate posts. I’m sure the zero people who read this are thrilled beyond compare about this wild turn of events. Yep. So this week I continued my journey into the depths… Read more »
As the quarter comes to a close
Once again, it’s double post time! Let’s all cheer like mad! Mar. 2, 2010: So, today was mainly a day to work a little on the glossary itself (which we are very close now) and then do much studying up on the admin (backend) portion of the glossary page. This will require writing a page… Read more »
In the final throes of the database war?
I’m not sure, but I think we’re finally close to getting this figured out. On Thursday we both off and on tried our best to tackle this problem. It got so bad that I finally had to post more cries for help on the Codeigniter forum website. We got some more “uh, you could try… Read more »
If this ever works…
Today was yet another difficult day regarding the glossary. I ended up having to finally just post the question up on the Codeigniter forum. They surprisingly answered quite quickly. In the end, I got a couple of good suggestions. I haven’t been able to get them implemented yet. This seems to be a little tricky,… Read more »
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